Why on earth..." Seo Geon-chang was surprised, too. Why did Kim Do-young throw the ball to first base

Why on earth..." Seo Geon-chang was surprised, too. Why did Kim Do-young throw the ball to first base

Blog Article

At the Lions Park in Daegu on Tuesday, Kia Tigers' Kim Do-young made an incomprehensible choice at the bottom of the third inning when the team was losing 0-3 to the Samsung Lions, providing an excuse for additional points.퀸알바

The situation was like this. With runners at the first and second bases with one out, Kia's Nail was facing off against Samsung's McKinnon. When Nail sprayed the ball at the full count, second baseman Koo Ja-wook and first baseman Kang Min-ho started off at the same time. However, McKinnon was struck out swinging by Nail, and Kia's catcher Kim Tae-gun threw the ball to the third base to quickly catch Gu Ja-wook. When Koo saw the throw to the third base, he turned his back to the second base belatedly, but the distance was considerable. Run-down situation.

Seizing the ball, Kim seemed to approach to tag Koo Ja-wook, looking at Kang Min-ho, who was stopped between first and second bases, but suddenly threw the ball at first baseman Seo Geon-chang. Seo Geon-chang did not catch the ball at once, apparently not expecting Kim Do-young's throw. In the meantime, Koo sprinted to third base, and Kang Min-ho bought time on board.

Kim Sun-bin, who received the ball late from Seo Geon-chang, decided that Kang Min-ho had no intention of running, so he threw to catch Koo Ja-wook, who ran home around the third base. Catcher Kim Tae-gun, who took over the ball, drove Koo Ja-wook, who was trying to return to base, and handed the ball to shortstop Park Chan-ho, who covered third base. At that moment, Nail, who was approaching the ship to join the defense, bumped into Koo Ja-wook, who was on the base. The third base judge admitted to obstructing nail's base running and declared Koo Ja-wook's home base.

Kim Do-young's choice, which received Kim Tae-gun's initial throw, eventually produced the worst result. If Koo Ja-wook, the leading runner, had thrown the ball to second baseman Kim Sun-bin, who entered the base cover without reaching second base, the inning could have been easily ended.

However, Kim chose Kang Min-ho over Koo Ja-wook. The choice seems to have been taken into consideration that catcher Kang Min-ho is slow.

Catch the leadoff man was the main head play that deviated from the basics of rundown. Moreover, Kang Min-ho is an experienced and witty player who can cover his slow feet. This is evidenced by the fact that he stopped in the middle instead of running to second base even when Seo was spilling the ball, which gave Koo time to step on third base and run home.

As the first batter at the top of the fourth inning when the score was 0-4, Kim scored a solo shot from left to center to corner. However, Kia manager Lee Bum-ho replaced Kim with Byun Woo-hyuk after finishing off the attack at the top of the fourth inning. A source at Kia said, "There is no special reason," but this scene can be interpreted as a message to Kim who showed poor defense again on the day.

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